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Appearance Commission, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County


The Community Appearance Commission of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County was formed in 1989 and includes citizens with a variety of career and life backgrounds. The primary goals of the Commission are to advise the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners and the Winston-Salem City Council about appearance-related issues and to positively influence public and private development. Major projects of the Community Appearance Commission (CAC) include the bi-annual Community Appearance Awards program, the annual Community Roots tree planting program, review of County and City-funded public facility construction projects from an appearance perspective, and advocacy of various other ordinances, public initiatives and measures to improve the attractiveness of the community.

Members and Non-Voting Staff Person(s)

The fifteen members of the CAC are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (7 members) and the City Council (8 members). Volunteer board members serve a maximum of two, consecutive three-year terms. A variety of backgrounds, skills and interests are appropriate for members, along with a common desire to help improve the appearance of the City and County. Appointees must reside within Forsyth County.
Blank Line
Initial County appointments shall be staggered as follows: 1 appointee shall serve for 1 year; 3 shall serve 2-year terms; and 3 shall serve 3-year terms. Upon expiration of the initial staggered term, each appointee shall serve a 3-year term. No appointee shall serve more than two (2) full consecutive terms. The first term, without consideration as to length of that term, is considered a full term. An appointee who shall fill an unexpired term shall be entitled to serve an additional 2 full consecutive terms, if appointed by appropriate board.

Currently Serving

First Name Last Name Position Start Term End Term
BryannaGuiterrez-BullardOpen (County)12/19/202404/30/2027
DanielRankinStaff Member
EthanieGoodSpecial Experience or Education in Design (County)03/01/202203/31/2025
Jean-PierreMontariolSpecial Experience or Education in Design (County)06/27/202405/31/2027
JenniferMabeOpen (County)03/17/202203/31/2025
Judith (Judy)HotchkissOpen (County)03/31/202203/31/2025
BrittneyHillCity Appointment02/28/2026
GeorgeEdwardsCity Appointment02/28/2025
BrendaFulmoreCity Appointment02/28/2025
KimJessupCity Appointment02/28/2025


The CAC meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. in the City-County Planning Board Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Bryce A. Stuart Municipal Building. The principal work of the Commission is carried out within committees that meet once a month. All meetings of the Community Appearance Commission are open to the public.

Other Information

For additional meeting information, call the City/County Planning Department at 727-2087 or click City/County Planning.

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